
Prediksi UN Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP TA 2015/2016

Read the text and answer questions numbers: 1 – 2
To: Ahmad Fikri

For : Being a bright and enthusiastic student in IX C. Your bright smile lights up our classroom everyday. Great work this year, Fikri.
Congratulation !


1. What the text about?
A.      A letter  from a teacher
B.      A report from a student
C.      A greeting card
D.      An E-mail
Indkator               : Menentukan Gambaran umum
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Greeting Card )
Pembahasan      : Karena ada kata “ Congratulation”  , “ enthusiastic” , “great work” pasti
                               Greeting Card

2. Joanne is Fikri’s...
A.      mom
B.      friend
C.      headmaster
D.      teacher
Indkator               : Menentukan Informasi tersirat
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Greeting Card )
Pembahasan      : Karena ada kata “ our classroom”  yang artinya “kelas kami” sedangkan
                               yang bilang adalah Johanne, makanya Joanne adalah kawanya Fikri.

Read the text and answer question number: 3
Please note Assembly will start at
3.15 pm everyday in term 2
as we are very busy preparing our acts for the school concert at the end of this term.

3. The note tell the time for...
A.      Term 2
B.      assemby
C.      school concer
D.      preparation of acts
Indkator               : Menentukan Gambaran umum , terutama tentang topik utama
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Short Message )
Pembahasan      : Kata yang di garis bawah menunjukkan penting. Berarti disitulah topik
                               utama teks, yakni : Jam, Hari,  dan waktu acara assemby (pertemuan)

Read the text and answer question number: 4 - 5
Santi, ..
Our plan to visit our friends who suffer from Merapi eruption is cancelled. The weather is not good to fly. I will let you know later

4. From the text we know that...
A.      Santi and Sari go to Merapi
B.      Sari suffers from Merapi eruption
C.      Merapi’s weather is fine
D.      Sari and Santi cancell their visit.
Indkator               : Menentukan informasi rinci
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Short Message )
Pembahasan      : Kata “ ...our plan to visit....is cancelled.” ( ...rencana kita untuk
                               mengunjungi ...di tunda. “. Kata “our” di atas maksudnya adalah Sari dan

5. How are Santi and Sari going to visit their friends?
A.      By bus
B.      By ship
C.      By train
D.      By plane
Indkator               : Menentukan informasi tersirat
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Short Message )
Pembahasan      : Kata “ fly” berari “plane”

Read the text and answer question number: 6 - 7
Mr. And mrs. Samuel  Hansen
Request the company of
Mr. And Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown
On the ocassion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary
On Saturday 28 May at 8 p.m.
Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No.4
Cengkareng Jakarta
R.S.V.P.  Windy ( 021544390231)

6. Who will celebrate the wedding anniversary?
A.      Windy
B.      Mr. And Mrs. Brown
C.      Mr. And Mrs. Hansen
D.      The company
Indkator               : Menentukan informasi terentu
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Invitation )
Pembahasan      : Kata “request”  berarti meminta. Maksudnya meminta untuk datang. Sama
                               dengan mengundang. Jadi siapa yang mengundang dan siapa yang di

7. What is the text writen to....
A.      Invite someone to a party
B.      Celebrate a wedding anniversary
C.      Inform the marriage of Mr. And Mrs. Hansen
D.      Give direction for Taman Orchid Indah Block 2D
Indkator               : Menentukan Tujuan Komunikatif
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Invitation )
Pembahasan      : Kata Kata “request”  berarti meminta. Maksudnya meminta untuk datang.
                               Sama dengan mengundang.

Read the text and answer question number: 8 - 9
To: All student of SMP Bahana Semarang

To celebrate the National Education Day. Students body will hold some interesting programs such English Speeech Contest, Debate, Class Wall Magazine Competition.

When               : May 2, 2015 8 a.m. onwards
Where             : School Hall
Registration    : Mr. Andi, the coordinator of this program

8. What daoes the text announce?
A.      A Student Organisation
B.      An English Speech Contest
C.      A National Day Celebration
D.      A National Education Day Ceremony
Indkator               : Menentukan Gambaran Umum
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Announcement)
Pembahasan      :
 “National Education Day ”    membuahkan   “interesting programs”.   
“interesting programs”.         membuahkan   “... Speeech Contest, Debate, Class Wall
                                                                                          Magazine Competition....”.
Gambaran Umum adalah Induknya yakni “National Education Day ”

9. Based on the text we can say that...
A.      The programs will last fo 4 hours
B.      The programs will be held inthe morning
C.      Two competitions will be held
D.      Mr Andi is the organizer of the programs.
Indkator               : Menentukan Informasi Tersurat
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Announcement)
Pembahasan      : Sesuai dengan kata yang tersurat ( tertulis)
                               Registration     : Mr. Andi, the coordinator of this program

Read the text and answer question number: 10 - 11


Our menu offers either a 2 or 3 Course Lunch
With 18 choices available for each course each day!
orders are received by our customers friendly website untill 8.30 a.m. the day the lunch is required
Email: contact@classroomcuisine.com.au

10. The text above is an advertisement of ...
A.      Food
B.      Drink
C.      School
D.      Classroom
Indkator               : Menentukan Gambaran Umum
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Advertisement)
Pembahasan      : Ada kata ” lunces” = makan siang , “fresh” =segar, “menu”= menu makanan. Berarti berkaitan dengan makanan, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “A”.

11. Classroom cuisine is ...
A.      A kind of lunch
B.      A catering company
C.      Person’s name
D.      The school’s name

Indkator               : Menentukan Informasi Rinci
Jenis Teks            : Fungtional teks ( Advertisement)
Pembahasan      : Kata “ delivered” = mengecerkan, “order”= pesan, “customer”= pelanggan,
                                dan “website”= alamat on line. Dari kata-kata itu menunjukkan bahwa teks
                                tersebut adalah Perusahaan catering.

Read the text and answer question number: 12 – 14
Edinburgh, 19 November 2015
Dear John,
I told you that I was going to England, but actually I was heading for Scotland. I applied for a job and I went for an inrerview yesterday. The manager and the factory supervisor interviewed me. At first I found it difficult to understand them but I managed to answer all their questions. I’ll know on Friday before I return wether I get the job or not.
Tomorrow I plan to go to the National Museum of Scotland, the Palace of Holy Roodhouse, the queen’s residence when she is in Scotland. I’m going to spend a few more days here enjoying the city which I hope will become my home for the next few years.
I’ll ring you when I hear something about my job on Friday.



12. Where is Peter writing the letter from?
A.      Edinburgh
B.      Scotland
C.      England
D.      His home
Indkator              : Menentukan Informasi Tertentu
Jenis Teks           : Fungtional teks ( Letter)
Pembahasan     : Kata yang berkaitan dengan Tanggal, tempat, kapan, dan dimana dia menulis      surat, adalah petunjuknya.
13. We know that Peter...
A.      will call his friend after getting a job
B.      hopes to stay in Edinburgh for a few days
C.      will get the interview result on Friday
D.      will go to see National Museum in Edinburgh
Indkator              : Menentukan Informasi Tersirat
Jenis Teks           : Fungtional teks ( Letter)
Pembahasan     : Petunjuknya adalah: Kalimat terahir pada paragrap 1
                                                                                          “ I will know on Friday”        = saya akan tahu pada hari jumat
                                                                                          “ I get he job or not”             = saya dapt kerjaan atau tidak
                                                                                        : Petunjuknya adalah : Kalimat terahir pada jawaban “C”
                                                                                          “...interview result..”           = hasil wawancara
14. The word “ ....I was heading for Scotland.” ( par 1 line 1 )
       The underlined word can be replaced with.....
A.      living in
B.      going to
C.      staying in
D.      moving to
Indkator              : Menentukan Makna Kata
Jenis Teks           : Fungtional teks ( Letter)
Pembahasan      : Petunjuknya adalah: Makna kata “ heading for “ = menuju

Read the text and answer question number: 12 – 14
If you are a sport fan, you are sure to know the name. Michael Jordan. He is probably the greatest basketball player the world has ever seen. Although his career as a player is over, his fame will live on for many years to come.
Michael Jordan certinly looks like a star. He is tall, well-built and handsome, with friendly brown eyes and a wide and a wide grin. He always manages to look well-dressed, even in his casual clothes or smart suits.
His personality, too, is as outstanding as his playing ability. Michael is a very determined person. This has made him a successfull bascetball star. He has given lots of money and supported to charities.
All in all, Michael Jordan is not only a great athlete, but also a warm, caring person. It is no wonder that so many boys have dreamed of growing up to be just like him.
15. The best tittle for the text above is ...
A.      A warm Caring Person
B.      Michael Jordan
C.      A Sport Fan
D.      A Famous Star
Indkator              : Menentukan Gambaran Umum
Jenis Teks           : Fungtional teks ( Teks Descriptive )
Pembahasan      : Kata Michael Jordan di sebut di paragraph 1 sebagai topik dari teks tersebut.  Itulah judul yang paling tepat.

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