

AOSP 4.4.4 Zenfone 400cg [Signed locked and Unlocked boot loader]

Orignal released by  X ANWAR WRJ


Files to Download:.

1. Phil'z Recovery Installer : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Vlzc8R44GiRDVyX2JFWEFDXzg/view?usp=sharing

2. Link ROM: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8Vlzc8R44GifmFHdjZCQTRZb3BaMkxJVnU0enlDWTJ3LW41MkdmX2J1MXR4dWZEbVB6amc&usp=sharing

3. ADB tools: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Vlzc8R44GiRHJDSVFXYU9GSjg/view?usp=sharing


  1. First install Philz Apk in your Phone.
  2. Backup your all data with TitaniumBackup (Optional) [ You can loose all data in your Phone memory]
  3. Extract Rom file and ADB tools and place them all together in one folder .
  4. Go to philz ( Reboot your ZenFone 400cg and Hold Volume [+] and volume [-] together to get into philz recovery)
  5. At Philz recovery mode Choose Wipe And Format Option > Custom Format Option > Fomat Data.
  6.  Choose Power options > Reboot BootLoader
  7. Connect your Zenfone 4 To  Desktop/Laptop .
  8. At ADB Folder Press Shift and Right click then choose Open Command Here.
  9. In command terminal Type
  •         fastboot flash boot boot.img (Press enter )
  •         fastboot flash system system.img (press enter . It can take a while , wait until it finish )
  •         fastboot continue ( Press enter)
     10. Done. 

Update :
  1. Download the Update from the link Below :https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8Vlzc8R44GiZk5sRlZ5ZEdzeWc&authuser=1
  2. After downloading the update packing  , Place it into ADB folder 
  3. Connect Zenfone 400Cg to PC/Laptop.
  4. In ADB folder and Press Shift and  Right click at same time then open Command (same as step 8)
  5. In command window Type fastboot flash system system_V2.img.gz then wait till it complete.
  6. At philz recovery mode chose wipe and format option >Custom format >format data.
  7.  Done Updating.
Bugs without installing Update :
  1. Contact No scaning
  2. Signal Will not detect automatically 
  3. camera blured
  4. Bluetooth Force close
  5. Some Gapps FC but you can update at Playstore.
Attention : this ROM Only for Zenfone 4.

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